UPDATE: September 15, 2014

The Ebola pandemic in West Africa, specifically Liberia, has greatly impacted CRF and our sponsored children.  Liberia is still in lockdown to prevent the further spread of Ebola.  The need is great, but your prayers and donations are making a huge impact! 

Here is a report from Brother Maxwell J. Whea, a minister at Smythe Road Church of Christ in Monrovia, Liberia.

In response to the Ebola pandemic, the Smythe Road Church of Christ hosted three days of prayer services as a means of calling on God for His divine intervention in Liberia. Up to 90% of those infected with Ebola die, but as Christians our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. We know that our first line of defense is Jesus Christ.

We are also focusing on raising awareness. We showed an Ebola documentary during each day of the Prayer Service. The film educated our community and children about Ebola and how to protect themselves and their families. These films were copied and distributed to each congregation in the area. We are also actively doing Ebola seminars in rural communities. The seminars focus on signs & symptoms, modes of transmission, misconceptions, facts and prevention.

Along with our awareness work, we are distributing relief items to thousands of people in desperate need.  As a result of the Ebola crisis, the cost of living has increased and made life almost impossible for the extreme poor including many children in the CRF program. We are focusing on distributing food and clean water to make certain that our children are well taken care of. We are also distributing chlorine, hand soap and washing buckets to prevent the spread of Ebola.

We want to thank CRF and all those who help us provide needed items for the suffering people of Liberia.  The Elders, Deacon, Ministers and members of the Smythe Road Christ highly appreciate your donation and pray that the God richly bless you for assisting us during these times of crisis in our Country.

May God Bless You All,
Maxwell J. Whea


Original Report from August 15, 2014

The Ebola tragedy in West Africa and specifically Liberia is not only scary but has become devastating.  President Sirleaf of Liberia has shut down the country for 90 days. This has caused the price of food to skyrocket.  Liberians are being told to no longer drink well water which has caused bottled water prices to also soar.

CRF has three children’s works in Liberia in the midst of this epidemic. We truly need some funds to get them and others food and water.

How sad it would be to see people starve in the wake of the Ebola crisis!

If you can help, you can give to our disaster relief fund at www.christianrelieffund.org/disaster or mail your donation to CRF at PO Box 19670, Amarillo, TX 79114.

Thanks a trillion!

